Well, it appears official. We have collected some sort of sickness. Feels like a flu, but the jury is still out. Sleep is needed for tonight.
And btw, from the REALLY WEIRD category of Alberta politics (which just happens to be the largest category), we were shocked and awed at the stunning change in the appearance of Advanced Education Minister and Tory Leadership hopeful Dave Hancock.
See what we mean...

This was Hancock after the November 2004 Election
this is Hancock Now - HOLY SMOKES!
Happy Halloween?
Perhaps a flu shot is in order.
Imagine what he would look like if they had kept him on the gay marriage protfolio.
I don't think Alberta's ready for a guy with 'cock' in his last name. I'm sure he's a great guy and all and probably deserves some consideration. But voters are fickle.
yeah, dusty, we had definately noticed the Thomey/Hancock connection...
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