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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

daily props.

Daily props go to...

1. ... Edmonton Strathcona NDP Candidate Linda Duncan - who has linked to us from her campaign website!

2. ... Scott Feschuk's campaign blog. Not because it's particularily good, but because it's damn funny. Additional props go to whoever hired the guy? :-P

3. ... Mr. Steve Smith, who has set up an Edmonton Strathcona election info blog. Not as cool as this blog, but good showing, Mr. Smith.

4. ... Roboraptor and Robosapien! How cool.

5. ... the Revmod Gaffe-o-Meter.

6. ... Mr. Bart Ramson, who has endorsed us as the BEST PERSONAL BLOG in the Canadian Blog Awards! Go. Vote. Now.

*PROPS UPDATE!!* Additional props #7 to Spencer Keys via Steve Smith for this wonderful Labour party TV ad from their last election.


daveberta said...

lol. yep. a shame :-P

CFAC Library said...

It looks like the NDs have some election ads up to watch now... but... let's be brutally honest with ourselves: they will never be able to top the Ed Broadbent rap ad of yesteryear.