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Thursday, January 05, 2006

jon stewart to host the oscars!

How sweet!


Nastyboy said...

I'm a fan, but I'm not sure I like the idea. I think Stewart is at his best as an outsider throwing stones. I thought Letterman and Chris Rock were great because they were took they didn't play the Hollywood game of sucking up to the pretty people. I just hope Stewart will do the same.

Nastyboy said...

I thought Letterman and Chris Rock were great because they were took they didn't play the Hollywood game of sucking up to the pretty people.

Holy proof reading Batman! Don't drink and type kids.

ainge lotusland said...

whoa news!!!! i think i just came, man. JON STEWART!

TonyGuitar said...

Exercise in Futility? We are a tiny specialized group. We political bloggers, only a fraction of the larger teen blogger gang.

Stewart is entertaining but he is up front. Mostly honest and has no stealth unlike the CBC.

There is no end of CBC propaganda and the most stealthy and successful has been the very real hurdle of the *fear Harper agenda*. So my argument is...

While my personal politics don't really matter, I think it is important to talk to as many undecided voters as possible and present this overview.

Liberal Voter ? Me too, but,

This time I’m voting for Harper because the Liberals need a time out to clear out the dead wood and renew . Respect for liberals is at such a low ebb, that if elected as a weak minority, the Liberal Party could go out in flames just as the Social Credit party did in B.C.

Industrialist Paul Martin at the helm makes the Liberals more of a Conservative Corporate party rather than a true Liberal party. Martin fired his Canadian marine crews and hired on non-union Central and South American crews. He also registered his Canadian Steamship Lines in Barbados in order to avoid paying Canadian taxes.

Those moves are acceptable for an industrialist but they are not appropriate for the Prime Minister of Canada. Martin is banking on the fact that most Canadian voters simply do not have the time to read the news in detail in these busy modern times.

You may be aware of the Sponsorship scandal, but that is only the tip of a very big iceberg. There are well over 200 losses and thefts of Canada’s public funds and the list is still growing.

These losses run well into the billions of dollars and have contributed to the loss of services in emergency hospital departments and countless other areas.

Time for a Conservative vote. If the Harper team fails to do the job, we can always vote the Liberals back in and by that time the Liberals will have a new respect for integrity and efficiency.
Sound logical? TG

ainge lotusland said...

wtf does that have to do with jon stewart hosting things?

Manatee said...

Industrialist Jon Stewart at the helm makes the Oscars more of a Conservative Corporate party rather than a true Liberal party.


daveberta said...

Industrialist Jon Stewart at the helm makes the Oscars more of a Conservative Corporate party rather than a true Liberal party.


what? :-P