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Monday, August 21, 2006

stop ted morton's bill 208!

I was in Calgary for meetings today. When I got back to Edmonton, this was waiting in my inbox:

From: ******
Date: August 21, 2006 1:23:03 PM MDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Bill 208: A Call to Action!


MLA Ted Morton will try to bring back his private members bill 208 in the upcoming provincial session on Monday August 28.

Morton's bill as proposed would legislate that 1. information about G/L/B/T not be allowed in schools, 2. marriage commissionaires could opt out of performing same-sex marriages, and 3. that a person expressing their opinion/ideas about homosexuality could not have a claim of discrimination brought against them.

Although it is rumoured that Mr. Morton will bring forth an amended bill (and remove some clauses) it needs to be stopped in its entirety!

The Provincial legislative session begins on Thursday Aug. 24 and Monday August 28 beginning at 1:30pm will be the session for private member's bills.

In discussions with both the provincial Liberals and New Democrats their strategy will be to filibuster on August 28 to keep the bill from coming forward.


This e-mail is coming to you in hopes that you will register, attend and be introduced in the Legislative Assembly on August 28. The session will begin at 1:30pm and run until 5:30pm. You can only attend if you register.

In order to register and be introduced call either the Liberals (MLA Laurie Blakeman's office 414-0743) or the New Democrat Office (415-1803 Arnand Sharma). Invite others to do the same.

(Come early as everyone has to go through security.)


Kris Wells, Julie Lloyd, Michael Phair, Ken Macdonald, Murray Billett

N.B. There will be a media conference on the steps of the Legislature on Friday August 25 from 1 to 1:30pm. Attend if you are available.
I think it's really important that this regressive and backward agenda be stopped dead in its tracks.

It seems to me that the reappearance of Bill 208 has more to do with Ted Morton's bid for the Alberta PC leadership than any real Alberta uprising. It would be disgraceful if Bill 208 was being used as a tool to simply galvinize the support of a crop of social conservatives in favour of Dr. Morton.

UPDATE - Click here to find out how to STOP BILL 208!


UWHabs said...

Yeah, that has to be stopped. A bill like that is terrible in this day and age.

Anonymous said...

I count myself as "progressive" in a certain sense (I would rather say post-liberal), but often find the tone of moral condecension in progressive/liberal diatribes equally grating as their conservative counterparts. Conservatives rail against the modern malaise while liberals look down their noses at those ignorant troglodytes. Intelligent discussion, rather than simple partisan platitudes, would have to centre around the content and context of this bill (which I admittedly know little or nothing about).

Anonymous said...

In a country that seems to deplore American-style anything, I would have hoped that our approach to political discussion would not have become so bipolar, partisan, and self-righteous. Discussion is best, as there is merit to some aspects of the bill.

Anonymous said...

Can I register and be introduced as a Conservative who is opposed to the bill?

Anonymous said...

So is it not my right to say that I disagree with same-sex marriage? Why is it that my right to disagree is being labeled as homophobic? I guarantee you I am not homophobic, but I disagree whole-heartedly. Why does this make me a bigot? Is it because it doesn't line up with your thinking? That sounds less tolerant than what I am saying.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who truely believes in equality for same-sex couples should be in favour of same sex mariage. Take the bill down...

Anonymous said...

Anyone who truly believes in freedom of religion should be in favour of bill 208.

Anonymous said...

The original post says, "Morton's bill as proposed would legislate that 1. information about G/L/B/T not be allowed in schools, 2. marriage commissionaires could opt out of performing same-sex marriages, and 3. that a person expressing their opinion/ideas about homosexuality could not have a claim of discrimination brought against them."

1- wrong. just plain wrong.
2- it protects a commissioner from being prosecuted for declining to perform a SSM. Commissioners can refuse to perform marriages for any number of reasons, and should be allowed to include opposition to SSM as one of them.
3- it protects those who disagree with SSM from being prosecuted for holding those beliefs. I mean, after all, aren't we trying to be more tolerant of others?

Gauntlet said...

In response to doug:

Why exactly should marriage commissioners, gay marriage, and opinions on homosexuality be the exceptions to the law? Shouldn't we have some justification for the exception?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this Dave. I'm going to email it out to all my friends.

Anonymous said...

"It is unfortunate that leftwing activists have already moved from advocating rights for same-sex couples to attempting to take away rights from others."

or advocating against legislated discrimination...

Anonymous said...

" Can I register and be introduced as a Conservative who is opposed to the bill?"

Me too! I vote Tory in the last election and I think Bill 208 is awful!

Anonymous said...

Chris said: "it is not only supported by the majority of the government caucus,"

Yes, that is clearly why a 62 member Caucus let 20 Opposition MLA's filibuster the Bill. Anyone who knows anything about Alberta Legislative politics will know that you just can't do it.

If the Tory Caucus supported it, it would be law right now.

Anonymous said...

I live in Rocky View County and am one of Ted Morton's constitutents. My neighbours and I are circulating a petition calling on our MLA to stop pushing for this sort ridiculous descrimination. I'm hoping to get an opposition MLA to table it in the Legislature.

Anonymous said...

Only Ted Morton would bring back such a regressive peice of legislation after it was already destroyed in the assembly a first time.

Where do the other PC leadership candidates stand on this issue? I would like to see them take a stand on this - it's called leadership! Would it be a safe bet to say that only Dave Hancock would oppose it out of that group?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Jim Dinning's response would be:

“The first is that we need to say out loud: [same-sex marriage] is an industry for our future, not just our past The [same-sex marriage] industry has been the heart and soul of this province. And in spite of the fact that [gays] and [lesbians] have endured some terrible blows in the past few years – from [Bill 208] and everything in between – we can’t accept that a decline and eventual demise of Alberta’s [same-sex marriage] industry is inevitable. It isn’t. There are things that can and must be done.”


“My point is, we can choose to be better. We can say: every child will learn [about same-sex marriage] at a Grade 3 level by the time they’re 10 years old. We can raise the bar on high [same-sex marriage] rates and say 90% of students will finish high school. We can really raise the bar and say: every [same-sex couple] will have a place in a program somewhere in one of Alberta’s post-secondary institutions.”

Liberties taken from the strong Jim Dinning policies at

kenchapman said...

Bill 208 is pure discrimination and totally unwarranted. In reply to an earlier comment - I have spoken with Dave Hancock and know he is opposed to it.

SSM is settled law in this country and to be trying to legalize discriminiation that is illegal under the Charter is at best pointless tinkering and at worst pandering to prejudice and discrimination.

"Conscientious" objectors are already "taken care of" - they can refuse such services as private groups like churches and private schools.

There is no place for this kind of blatant discrimination in taxpayer supported PUBLIC systems.

We are a pluralist and inclusive society in Alberta. This Bill is beyond embarrasing.

kenchapman said...

Bill 208 is pure discrimination and totally unwarranted. In reply to an earlier comment - I have spoken with Dave Hancock and know he is opposed to it.

SSM is settled law in this country and to be trying to legalize discriminiation that is illegal under the Charter is at best pointless tinkering and at worst pandering to prejudice and discrimination.

"Conscientious" objectors are already "taken care of" - they can refuse such services as private groups like churches and private schools.

There is no place for this kind of blatant discrimination in taxpayer supported PUBLIC systems.

We are a pluralist and inclusive society in Alberta. This Bill is beyond embarrasing.

daveberta said...

"There is no place for this kind of blatant discrimination in taxpayer supported PUBLIC systems."

BINGO! That is exactly the point to hit on!

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad to hear that Dave Hancock will oppose this Bill - I'm really disappointed to hear that he won't be around to voice his opposition though. Will his campaign be sending out a press release? I'd like to see him take a stand in the media. It would present him as a strong leader, where Jim Dinning is taking the mushy middle of not offering an opinion. It's Hancock's time to step up and tell Ted Morton that this sort of behavior is not acceptable in 21st Century Alberta.

Anonymous said...

Morton reminds me of Craig Chandler. I debated with him when he ran for mayor of Calgary... wow, what a nutbar...

Anonymous said...

I will be there Monday to oppose this bill. I will be there with, what I hope will be, many many others.

I want to see this thing come to a vote at some point though, only to see how the various PC leadership candidates vote. If Dave Hancock cannot find the time to be in town for an issue like this, then he is not the Red-Tory saviour many of you are parading him to be. Perhaps someone on the Tory benches will stand up and surprise us all by calling this bill what it is: Bullshit.

Anonymous said...

There will be a protest/rally at the Leg tomorrow (Friday) at 1pm.

I think the more worrisome aspect of this bill is the anti-education aspects. While same-sex marriage is a hotly debated issue and important, the idea of removing discussion on GLBTQ issues in schools is just terrifying to me. Like we don't have enough problems with the suicides of questioning teens and homophobic violence already.

A prejudice towards a group cannot be allowed to affect the judgement of a teacher on what they want to teach.

- Tamara

Allie Wojtaszek said...

No matter what party affiliation you have, call your MLA to attend.

If your conservtaive and your MLA is not and you don't want to sit in the public gallery then call a conservative MLA for tickets.

Anonymous said...

It's clear that our children are not smart enough to think for themselves. If we don't allow our children to opt-out of these unsavory educations, the moral core of our society will rot. I say: Down with Public Schools! There is no room for anti-religious secularistic liberal/communist crusaders in our schools. Fully religious schools are the only solution! GOD IS THE ONLY WAY!

Anonymous said...

What a mondo major limp-wrist mental retard bed wetter virtually begging for a walk behind the barn for severe, but much needed correction. Talk about a poster boy for mercy killing.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Jay. Let's be a tolerent society who tolerates the intolerent.

I think you just oxymoronized.

Anonymous said...

"cally. said...
Morton reminds me of Craig Chandler. I debated with him when he ran for mayor of Calgary... wow, what a nutbar..."

I NEVER ran for Mayor! It just shows people lie to promote their own agenda. Sad, very sad.