Alberta's Auditor General Fred Dunn released his annual report today, and it is scathing...
- Royalty Tracking System gets a failing grade
- High living expenses, staff bonuses criticized
- Provincial Government Credit Cards Misused
- Tory gifts questioned by auditor
- Alta giving up billions in oil cash to inaction, incompetence: auditor general
- Alberta government hid royalty-hike advice
- Minister's aide used gov't credit card for $30,000 personal expenses: audit
- Poor Planning has caused $6.1 Billion provincial maintenance backlog
- 'Leadership' was needed
While noting that he recieved the 'run around' from officials within Ed Stelmach's Tory Government while conducting the audit, here are some quotes from Fred Dunn:
On the Department of Energy: "
The principals of transparency and accountability, I believe, were not followed. I'm not impressed."Alberta Liberal Leader Kevin Taft responded to the Auditor General's report:
"The department should demonstrate its stewardship of Alberta's royalty regime and provide analysis to support that stewardship and this was not done."
"The department's monitoring and technical review findings were communicated to decision-makers. The question is: Did they hear or were they listening? At the end of the day, I don't know, but they chose not to act.
“The Auditor General’s report shows a government that is deliberately misleading Albertans and that has been deceitful about its royalty collection. The people of Alberta should be furious with what the Auditor General uncovered today and should run this government out of office. I think it is time Ed Stelmach should do the courageous thing: bring this scandal ridden government to an end and call an election."
If there was ever a need for a change in government in this province. It is now.
Taft has my support.
THE AUDITOR GENERAL WAS GIVEN THE 'RUN AROUND?' THE AUDITOR GENERAL? What kind of government are the Tories running that gives the auditor general the run around?
They gave the runaround because they were involved. This shows Stelmach's government is not "open and transparent." Zebra's do not change their stripes. This govenment is the same people that have worked for the past government, they are simply in new positions.
Does anyone really believe that a Taft-led Liberal government would be any different? I don't.
When Ed Stelmach's oil & gas commission released their report, where was Kevin Taft? He should have been come out and said a Liberal government would accept and implement ALL of the commision's recommended changes. The fact that he did not is very telling.
The Alberta Liberals probably will form the next government, and given Alberta's history they will likely govern for quite a while before anyone realizes that nothing really changed except the name of the party in power. They are the same oil profit-fed fat cats as Ed Stelmach's gang.
If you want real change, vote for a smaller party. Vote NDP, vote Wild Rose, vote green. Just don't vote for Ed Taft's Progressive Liberals. If you're going to call that change, you might as well stay home.
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