"...Dave Cournoyer isn't some obscure fat frat boy with a sticky-up haircut." - Neil Waugh (Edmonton Sun)
I can be reached by email at: daveberta.ca@gmail.com.
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I should also add that I think that my more defining qualities extend much further than just "blogger" and "former Liberal staffer."
While I don't usually comment on my own posts like this, I wonder if they could have got this much exposure with $25 million...
Perhaps they could add in "founder of a new and enlightened political movement soon to sweep the province"...huh...huh???
Well, the media reported that you were a blogger and former Liberal staffer. Also that you were a university student, I guess, so I could add that. Other suggestions?
You're too full of yourself, Dave. If Stelmach wanted to crush you, with a lawsuit that is, he could have. You're not as important or influential as some think you are, but you're cute, I'll give you that......
Anon @ 1:37pm, we've been over this. Most lawyers will tell you Stelmach would have been pissing in the wind had he attempted a full blown lawsuit against Dave. Stelmach likely would have been saddled with both sides legal bills when he inevitably lost too.
I'm sure a lot of left-leaning folks would have helped pay the poor blogger's legal bills had it actually come to a court battle.
It was one of the few good decisions Stelmach has made, not to persue that matter any further. The optics of it would have been terrible for Steady Eddie.
"In December 2007, Stelmach threatened legal action against Dave Cournoyer, a handsome devil and all-around nice guy, for misappropriating Stelmach's persona..."
Does that better reflect the Albertan magnate that is daveberta?
Oh well, Dave. According to the full entry, Ed shot JFK at the tender age of 11, so I wouldn't be too concerned if they missed out on just how wonderful you are. After all, nobody goes to Wikipedia looking for facts (nobody intelligent anyway). If it had been a factual entry about you, it probably would have read "blogger, former Liberal staffer and shameless self-promoter." It was a hell of a prank, Dave, but it was fourteen months ago. We've moved on, and so should you...
"Thanks to the good folks at Wikipedia, it looks like my fifteen-minutes of fame may have been narrowly extended a couple seconds (milliseconds?)."
Haha. Great post dave. Glad to see a blogger who can poke fun at himself and not take himself too seriously.
Keep up the good work.
Anonymous at 2:50 pm: yeah, that one lasted for longer than it should have. Unfortunately, Wikipedia has a presumption against semi-protecting (i.e. blocking new and unregistered users) main page articles, which is idiotic. The vandalism on this one got bad enough that they did protect it, though, so I don't think we'll see Ed implicated in any more assassinations. For now.
Ha! I posted about this on my own blog too, also poking fun at myself regarding the fickle finger of fame. (My name appears in Ed's Wiki as his soundly-defeated 2008 opponent.)
Dave, both you and Ed need to lose the cowboy hat!
Dave: I love that both you and Ed have cowboy hats!
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