...this is what our blog would look like.
Unfortunately, the "$7 Billion" surplus we thought we had turned out to be a measly $2.8 Billion.
Monday, August 29, 2005
if we had money...
rath of the patronage gods
It seems the patronage gods are having a hard time quenching their thirst...
...two new Senate appointments today...
Yoine Goldstein (Quebec-Liberal): A Montreal Lawyer
Francis Fox (Quebec-Liberal): Corporate Executive; Martin Confidant; Former Trudeau Cabinet Minister who was forced to resign from cabinet in 1978, when it was revealed that he had forged the signature of his girlfriend's husband on a form granting permission for her to have an abortion. (At the time, the husband's consent was needed for the procedure.)
There are now three vacancies in the Senate: two in New Bruswick, and one in Prince Edward Island (Stompin' Tom still has a chance!).
The current party standings in the Senate are...
Liberal - 67
Conservative - 24
Progressive Conservative - 5
New Democratic - 1
Independent - 5
Vacant - 3
TOTAL - 105
fire at our house
We had a fire at our house this weekend. An electrical cord shorted out and set the couch on fire.
Thankfully (or luckly), a buddy of our housemate was too un-sober to drive home that night and was sleeping on the couch when it started burning. He put it out before it burnt our house down.
No one was hurt.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Mainly for the benefit of Socialist Swine, who apparently likes online quizzes. :-)
how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen
Friday, August 26, 2005
bye bye love baby.
As of October 3rd, Premier Klein will a new chief enforcer.
The (twice, third time?) resignation of the perennial Chief of Staff of the Premier's Office, Mr. Rod Love, has happened again.
Mr. Love, who recently announced his departure from the Premier's office, will be returning to the private sector.
Mr. Love, who served as Klein's Chief of Staff from 1992 to 1997, replaced Peter Elzinga as Chief of Staff earlier this year (Elzinga, who served as the PC MP for Pembina from 1974 to 1986 and the PC MLA for Sherwood Park from 1986 to 1993, replaced Steve West as Chief of Staff following the 2004 Election and later replaced defeated Tory MLA Drew Hutton as the Executive Director of the Alberta PC Party - a position he currently holds).
Mr. Peter Kruselnicki will replace Mr. Love.
According to a press release from the Premier's Office:
"Peter Kruselnicki, a former deputy minister and long-time public servant, will assume the duties of Premier Ralph Klein's Chief of Staff effective Monday, October 3.
Mr. Kruselnicki is currently on secondment from the government of Alberta to the University of Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand, Faculty of Public Administration."
Mr. Kruselnicki was Alberta's Deputy Minister of Labour under former Minister Murray Smith (now Alberta's "Ambassador" to Washington DC) and Deputy Minister of Finance under former Finance Minister's Stockwell Day (before Day's jump into the Canadian Alliance leadership race), Steve West (who didn't seek re-election in 2001 and was Klein's Chief of Staff before Elzinga), and Pat Nelson (Nelson did not seek re-election in 2004). Mr. Kruselnicki left for New Zealand following the November 2004 election.
Just as interesting as the incestuous nature of Alberta PC politics is that this seems to be the first "non-politico" to fill the Chief of Staff position in as far back as we can remember... (props to Duncan for pointing this out to us).
Thursday, August 25, 2005
live to 200 like pat robertson!
Through the miracle of google, we've been able to discover the secret to Evangelical Christian rock star, Pat Robertson's longevity!
Mr. Robertson, born in the early 1800's, has been preaching the good word of forgivness and charity since 1830 and he's still going! Here's the secret to his immortality: Pat Robertson's Age-Defying Protein Shake!
To make one of these holier than thou shakes and be just like Pat Robertson, follow these directions...
"In a blender, mix 10 to 12 ounces (1 1/2 glasses) of water with:
• 1/2 scoop Lindberg Protein Blend (11g protein, 55 calories)
• 1 scoop Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex (27g protein, 130 calories)
• 5 grams Fitness Labs L-Glutamine Powder (20 calories)
• 1 Tbsp. Lindberg Organic Flax Oil (130 calories)
• 1 Tbsp. Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar (0 calories)
• 1/2 Tbsp. Safflower Oil (65 calories)
• 1 Tsp. Lindberg MSM Powder (15 calories)
• 1 packet Now Foods Stevia Extract (0 calories)
Total nutrients are: Protein 38g, Carbs 3g, Fat 23g, Calories 412g. (These calculations do not take into account carbs or calories from the fruit you may optionally add. Recipe is for a medium sized man or a large woman.)
Next, add in frozen strawberries and blueberries or your favorite fruit, natural sweetener (if desired), ice cubes and blend. Makes one delicious shake."
Rumour has it that he and Rasputin shared one in 1916!
God Bless and Enjoy!
liberals to win majority.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
save our cbc
The good people at Our Public Airwaves have fixed up the above button. You may have noticed it on our sidebar and you can find the html code for the button here.
As long-time listeners of CBC Radio, we are getting more and more annoyed with the message "due to labour distruption..."
We want our CBC back. We want our As It Happens and Sounds Like Canada. We miss listening to Edmonton AM and the Current. We miss Global Village.
We miss the quality, and are really learning to dislike the new suplementary "national programing" that the CBC is using since the strike began.
It's time for this strike to end.
We believe it's time for the Liberal Government to seriously start funding the CBC.
Monday, August 22, 2005
rain deprivation...
Well, it's been a busy couple of days for us here in daveberta.
Here's a quick recap...
Fringe! Saturday afternoon, we made our way to the International Fringe Theatre Festival in Old Strathcona
For the first time in what seemed like 9 years, it wasn't raining in our fair municipality. Though we all suffered from severe moisture deprivation from the lack of rain, it was extremely pleasant to enjoy what was know to generations past as "sunshine" and "summer."
As luck would have it, we spent most of the afternoon and evening in the beer gardens, though we did break to see a show. We enjoyed a splendid rendition of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat by Alberta Lyric Theatre, which was held in the basement of the Strathcona Presbyterian Church. It was fun. It was youth theatre, but it was fun.
We also had a nice chat with our favorite MLA, Laurie Blakeman, who was also enjoying the Fringe-festivities.
Following Mr. Joseph and his Amazing Dreamcoat, we excused ourselves back to the beer gardens for another round of refreshments. Our night finished itself off with...
1. An impromptu techno session on Whyte.
2. Randomly getting invited to a rave and a frat party within 5 minutes of each other.
3. A nearly lost car.
4. A donair.
5. EH-OH!
After waking up at 1:30 in the afternoon, we slowly made my way back to the Fringe to enjoy some shows (after stopping for coffee at the Sugar Bowl of course!).
After chillin' wit some of our peeps for a bit, we took in some of the free shows. This included the half-naked torch juggling lady, Australian "mating" rituals, and two Yanks who did some more juggling. We also saw one guy do 100 push-ups in 1 minute! It was crazy!
Later hooked up with the Boggmaster and Ms. Catrin. We again ended up in the beer gardens. Intellectual discussions ensued. All is well.
The three of us ended up going to one of the best Fringe shows we've seen in quite a while: ANTOINE FEVAL (we added the caps for effect). Seriously folks, if you get the chance to see this show this week, TOTALLY GO. It was awesome funny.
Following Mr. Feval's production, we seem to remember returning to the beer gardens...
Following a restless night of severe "rain withdrawal," we made our usual 5 minute walk to work in typical Monday morning fashion... slowly but surely.
Monday afternoon progressed into a Tuition Policy Seminar at University Hall with Dr. Dan Lang from the
Monday evening, we progressed to what was known as the Prime Minister's BBQ in
Yes, that is correct, the one and only Right Honourable Paul Martin, PC was in
We attempted to bring one of the prison guard union flags into the event, but unfortunately, one of the RCMP goons thought otherwise. He grabbed it from us and proceeded to put it "where it belongs"- which turned out to be the garbage. Fortunately, my level-headed intellectual friend, Dan, snatched the flag from the goonish cop and returned it to the workers.
Shame on that RCMP officer. Shame.
Even the entire membership of the Alberta Separatist Party showed up!
Of course, being the political Casanova’s that we are, as we entered, we smoothly put our "schmoozing hats" on and delved into the crowd.
Hot Dogs and wine had the pleasure to grace out palate that evening. We had a nice chat with a number of people and we even got to sit at the same table as the amazing Todd Babiak! We thought he was a pretty cool guy (which we discovered he is).
Some other notables at the event included Senators Claudette Tardif and Grant Mitchell, Minister Lucienne Robillard, Alberta Liberal Leader Kevin Taft, Liberal MLA's Rick Miler, Bruce Miller, Dan Backs, the lovely Nic, and the blogging hipster himself, Mr. Sheamus Murphy.
The PM entered, people cheered. Our favorite Liberal MP, Anne McLellan, introduced him and the reception was fairly warm (for Alberta). The Prime Minister said "tremendous" at least 8 times in his speech (6 times in the first minute). He spoke about foreign policy, training, etc....? Fairly decent speech overall. Props for campaign style delivery, but not so much for the overusage of the word "tremendous."
We continued to schmooze and drink as the evening continued.
As the evening ended, we were reminded that it is supposed to start raining again tomorrow.
Ah, summer in
(Exit Stage Left)
Sunday, August 21, 2005
in which edward t. bear gets in touch with his inner kink.
We're assuming that Mr. Bear and friends over at Blank Out Times have...
1. ...unfortunately decided to pack it in.
2. ...decided to get in touch with their inner kink.
You decide.
what's your uk movie rating?
My life has been rated: |
![]() |
See what your rating is! |
No-one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No-one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video or DVD.
No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate to 15 year olds.
There may be frequent use of strong language (eg ‘fuck’). But the strongest terms (eg ‘cunt’) will be acceptable only where justified by the context. Continued aggressive use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.
Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.
Sexual activity may be portrayed but without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour.
Violence may be strong but may not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. Scenes of sexual violence must be discreet and brief.
Imitable techniques
Dangerous techniques (eg combat techniques, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on imitable detail. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.
Strong threat and menace are permitted. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable.
Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
we love saturdays
Good Saturday morning (afternoon?) to you all! Saturday, our favorite day of the week is upon us and we couldn't be happier!
This week, we had wireless internet hooked up in our house, it's great. For a while, we were leaching off the signal from the U of A Law Centre, but seeing as how slow it was, this is even better.
This week, we bided a temporary adieu to a good friend of ours who is spending the next 9 months in India. She'll be working for an NGO in a central Indian city. We would be lying if we didn't say we are enormously envious of her endeavors and that we'll miss her while she's gone. But alas, at this moment she is doing better stuff than we (lounging around my house drinking coffee).
It has been 13 months since we've stepped foot out of the
Friday, August 19, 2005
fringing it up
Well, spent a good chunk of our evening with some totally radical awesome dudes at the Powerplant. Where the patio is in the shade from 5pm to 5am! (new slogan?)
Anyway... it's the week of International Fringing here in (it's finally stopped raining) Edmonton, Alberta.
We're quite looking forward to checking out a bunch of the new plays this year. Bought our Fringe programs a couple of weekends ago and have been slowly perusing through, seeing which plays look cool enough for an awesome posse such as ours to go to. ;-)
If it makes you uncultured daveberta readers who aren't theatre lovers any better, we'll also be spending a decent amount of time in the beer gardens over the next couple of days. Sweet.
Totally check out the Fringe in Old Strathcona if you get the chance. It's one of our favorite Edmonton festivals. It's awesome.
BTW. Did anyone else read the Edmonton Sun Editorial today?
Question: What the hell kind of rag starts an editorial piece with "Un-FREAKING-belieable!?!?!?!
Answer: Not a very good one.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
spam commenters flee in masses
new committee to crack down on freeloaders
For Immediate Release
August 18, 2005
EDMONTON- In a surprise pre-emptive assault, daveberta's Ministry of Water, Fish, and Blog Comments has announced the creation of a new anti-spam committee named "Operation Spam Comments smell like dead gophers."
This accessible, affordable, innovative, and entrepreneurial program will be headed by highly respected super-mega rock star Sabastian Bach.
Mr. Bach, who has freshly returned from a tour of the
Daveberta Minister of Water, Fish, and Blog Comments praised the creation of the committee as "the worst thing to happen to spam commenters since Babylon 5 was cancelled."
The Minister continued, "eight to ten spam comments a day is simply unacceptable. We fully expect the combined wit and superpowers of the three committee members to form an unbearable force to be reckoned with. This committee will be the most affordable and accessible anti-spam committee in the country. I promise that."
Some of the tactics expected to be used by the new "enforcer committee" include wet noodle lashings, mouth soap washing, wedgies, blocking of anonymous comments, egging of houses, and tactical nuclear strikes.
For More Information Contact
daveberta media centre
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
the most important battle of our time...
...is happening over at the Urban Dictionary. Make sure to join in on the fight.
Props to Rob over at Five of Five for the link.
Because silly right-wing Emil can't seem to see through the layers upon layers of sarcasm in this blog, we have decided to post other epic battles, which can be found here, here, and especially here (we voted for #3 on this one- "ndp is hott as balls yo").
Another epic (and entertaining) battle... just because we live in Edmonton....
blog of the week: section 15
This week's blog of the week is none other than the awesome blog known as Section 15.
Sec15 is one of our daily reads. Mark's posts are entertaining and insightful as he covers national and international current events.
Make sure to check it out.
D :-)
Monday, August 15, 2005
anonalogue promoting mumbo-jumboism
daveberta calls on right-wing blogger to come clean on his secret agenda of non-sex marriage

For Immediate Release
August 15, 2005
EDMONTON- Following today's shocking accusations from right-wing blogger and Anne Cools-a-holic, Anonalogue, daveberta is calling on the Blogging Tory member to come clean on his secret agenda.
In an email dated Monday, August 15, 2005, Mr. Anonalogue denounced the wonderful chris-face original Southparkization of daveberta's Editor-in-Chief. In his email, Mr. Anonalogue cried that he was "shocked and outraged" and that "the word 'Liberal' does not belong in the same .jpeg as an assault rifle."
Anonalogue continued his rant with bold statements that "[t]here is no such thing as a
Earlier today, Mr. Anonalogue continued to pontificate his cartoon-induced rage in the comment section of the great blog known as daveberta by "DEMAND[ing]" that the editors of daveberta remove the "viciously heteronomative… picture from his website and replace it with a… less heterosexual image more befitting of a gun registry and gay marriage supporter, like this."
Daveberta's Editor-in-Chief responded, “Mr. Anonalogue’s attack on chris-face's masterpiece is an attack on all artists and freedom lovers. We are incredibly proud of the work which Mr. face has done and feel privileged to have graced his artistic vision. This right-wing blogger is clearly on a mission to spread the dark ideas of mumbo-jumboism. One day he professes his love for libertarianism and Anne Cools, and then denounces freedom of the arts in the next."
The Editor-in-Chief continued "it is quite clear that Mr. Anonalogue's statements regarding the ‘vicious heteronomative’ images in the masterpiece are signs of his secret agenda of implementing non-sex marriage in
In response to this shocking revelation, Daveberta’s Editorial Board unanimously endorsed the following statement: "Conservative ducks such as Mr. Anonalogue have lost their battle against same-sex marriage and now they want to ruin it for everyone by imposing non-sex marriage. Not only is the principle of non-sex marriage clearly opposed by a majority of the human race, it's just not cool. We will fight against Anonalogist non-sex marriage to the bitter end. It's just not natural."
For More Information Contact:
daveberta media centre
Anonalogue promoting mumbo-jumboism
Anonalogue promoting mumbo-jumboism
daveberta calls on right-winger to come clean on his secret agenda of non-sex marriage
EDMONTON- Following today's shocking accusations from right-wing blogger and Anne Cools-a-holic, Anonalogue, daveberta is calling on the Blogging Tory member to come clean on his secret agenda.
In an email dated Monday, August 15, 2005, Mr. Anonalogue denounced the wonderful chris-face original Southparkization of daveberta's Editor-in-Chief. In his email, Mr. Anonalogue ranted that he was "shocked and outraged" and that "the word 'Liberal' does not belong in the same .jpeg as an assault rifle."
Anonalogue continued his rant with the bold statements that "[t]here is no such thing as a
Earlier today, Mr. Anonalogue continued to pontificate his cartoon-induced rage in the comment section of the great blog known as daveberta with the "DEMAND[ing]" that the editors of daveberta remove the "viciously heteronomative… picture from his website and replace it with a… less heterosexual image more befitting of a gun registry and gay marriage supporter, like this."
Daveberta's Editor-in-Chief responded, “Mr. Anonalogue’s attack on chris-face's masterpiece is an attack on all artists and freedom lovers. This gentleman is clearly on a mission to spread the dark ideas of mumbo-jumboism. One day he professes his love for libertarianism and Anne Cools, and then denounces it the next." The Editor-in-Chief continued "it is quite clear that Mr. Anonalogue's statements regarding the ‘vicious heteronomative’ images in the masterpiece are signs of his secret agenda of implementing non-sex marriage in
Daveberta’s Editorial Board unanimously endorsed the following statement: "Conservative ducks such as Mr. Anonalogue have lost their battle against same-sex marriage and now they want to ruin it for us all. Not only is the principle of non-sex marriage clearly opposed by a majority of the human race, it's just not cool and we will fight against Anonalogist non-sex marriage to the bitter end. It's just not natural."
For more information contact
daveberta media centre
russian political porn
Yes, you read the title correctly.
From today's Globe & Mail.
"Ukraine, Georgia fuming over planned Russian sex film
Monday, August 15, 2005 Page A10
MOSCOW -- Alexei Mitrofanov, deputy leader of Russia's Liberal Democratic Party, says he cannot understand the ruckus over his dirty movie.
What's so wrong, he asks, about writing a film script that imagines a steamy rendezvous between a buxom woman named Yulia and a darkly handsome gentleman named Mikhail?
What does it matter if the porn star selected for the role of Yulia wears the same braided hairstyle as Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko? Or that she climbs into a Russian attack helicopter, zooms over the mountains along Georgia's northern border and makes love to someone who resembles Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili?"
You can read the rest of the article here.
Crazy Russians.
Friday, August 12, 2005
council scrapbook
Snapshots of a weekend in Banff at the Council of the Federation.
Campbell: "Yo digity! West-coast!"
Doer: "I came all the way to Alberta to wear a garbage bag???"
Klein: "Don't f*** with Alberta!"
Lord: "tee hee hee!"
Charest: "Bless you my children. Tonight, I shall part the Red Sea."
McGuinty: "Why did I leave Toronto, again? Only two more days. Two more days. Two more days..."
Calvert: "So I says to Mabel, I says..."
"Goin' off the rails on the crazy train (with the fine china)..."
Thursday, August 11, 2005
old fogy club.
Has anybody noticed how aged some of Canada's provincial Premiers look?
Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
Alberta Premier Ralph Klein
Nova Scotia Premier John Hamm
BC Premier Gordon Campbell
and kind of...
PEI Premier Pat Binns
party at jim's!
We thought this was pretty cool.
Apparently, Green Party of Canada Leader, Jim Harris (affectionately known to millions as: Jim who?) is hosting a pool party! The party, which is to celebrate the Green Party's rise in the polls (which I've lost track of- the plethora of late has given me poll fatigue), is going to be held in Jim's own backyard!
Now, we just think this is the coolest thing ever. When was the last time Paul Martin had a kegger at 24
*100% props to Lex Luthor for this one.*
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
paul and stephen do hollywood.
We're overtired, bored, and just got our internet connection set up in the new house. Henceforth, we decided to create this in celebration of our move to the south side of the river.
Please enjoy responsibly.
daveberta editorial board.
Monday, August 08, 2005
san quentin
"Johnny Cash at San Quentin" has become our latest obsession. It's on the office itunes, but we bought the CD this weekend. Sweet. Johnny Cash rocks.
A little busy this week (translation: less time to slack), so posting won't be as frequent in the off-season of August.
BTW: One of the best song lyrics EVER...
Folsom Prison Blues
When I was just a baby,
My Mama told me, "Son,
Always be a good boy,
Don't ever play with guns,"
But I shot a man in Reno,
Just to watch him die,
When I hear that whistle blowin',
I hang my head and cry.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
premiers annual golf tournament

"Toot toot!" The "Premiers Express" goes to Banff.
The week will start off with a train-ride from
According to the Globe & Mail:
"[d]eveloping a national plan on post-secondary education and training will top the agenda when the country's provincial and territorial leaders gather this week in the
Well, as much as we hope that they seriously discuss and take action on this issue, we're willing to bet that it won't take long before the meeting becomes another bickerfest between the provinces and the feds.
PREMTIVE NOTE TO PREMIERS AND FEDS: Both of your funds come from the same taxpayer. Quit acting like 8 year-olds and start some action on PSE!
You can find more info on the "Council of the Federation" annual golf conference in
Saturday, August 06, 2005
c'est moi?

Thanks to the incredible chris-face for this wonderful South Parkization of daveberta's Editor in Chief.
BTW: To the ladies, in real life, his guns are way bigger. Watch out for his guns. They'll getcha. :P
under seige?
Thanks, C-lo. Look what you started!
Look who was dropped by yesterday.
Domain Name | army.mil ? (Military) | ||||||||||
IP Address | 206.37.243.# (Naval Ocean Systems Center) | ||||||||||
ISP | Naval Ocean Systems Center | ||||||||||
Location |
| ||||||||||
Language | English (United States) en-us | ||||||||||
Operating System | Microsoft Win2000 |
We've barred the gates of the city, but we still can't believe the US Army is still using Windows 2000!
Friday, August 05, 2005
daveberta readers rebuke the alberta ndp

For Immediate Release
August 5, 2005
Edmonton - In the wake of the recent "Shannon-gate" scandal, daveberta readers have responded in full force.
On Monday, August 1st, Ms. Shannon Phillips, the Communications Director of the Alberta NDP Caucus responded to a recent daveberta post regarding Edmonton Strathcona ND MLA Raj Pannu's rumoured intention to step down in order to make way for Larry Booi to run for the Alberta NDP in a by-election.
Since the "Shannon-gate" fiasco began, daveberta has received many comments and emails in response to Ms. Phillips comment. Many were received after the official daveberta response to Ms. Phillips.
Though the daveberta editorial board does not officially support comments left in said section, in the spirit of open and transparent blogging, included below are reactions from loyal daveberta readers on "Shannon-gate":
Aaron said: "NDP? Who are they? They're from
Holtopia said: "The
Ken said: "I am glad to know the NDP still has many over confident individuals, such as yourself. I would like to assure you personally that although the candidate your party elects may propose many ideas that begin with a dollar sign and end with a lot of zeroes, my candidate will have more than "nice ideas". I already have multiple candidates actively seeking [the Alberta Liberal] nomination, and these are people who believe in education and health care.
I appreciate your suggestion that "the riding association will remain as moribund as it has been for the last few years". Please continue to spread this rumour through your party circles, because it will lead to many of your volunteers staying home, and make my job that much easier.
and finally...
Allie said: ""… if it was simply a chalked up rumour, then why is it even worth a response? Especially from someone as high in up the
"High up in the NDP echelons?" That’s "the most preposterous thing I have heard all day!" With only FOUR MLA’s what on earth is high up anyways? Don’t make me laugh. Ms Phillip’s just has this much time on her hands. Scanning local blog posts for slights against the NDP (a fulltime job in itself I imagine) and responding to them in her trademark "I’m better and know more than you" fashion. It’s exactly this type of response that leads people to dismiss the NDP as anything but serious.
Someone catch Ms Phillips before she falls off her chair."
For More Information Contact:
daveberta media centre
Thursday, August 04, 2005
god bless ezra and his western standards.
We recommend that Aaron use the trusty "left hook jab" in his battle.
Most sincerely,
daveberta editorial board
blog of the week: folk fest blog!
For pure entertainment purposes, we recommend that EVERYONE with access to the blogosphere stop and check out the hip and cool Folk Fest Blog.
We first discovered this blog about 3 months ago, and we sincerely thank the always wonderful Sheamus Murphy for letting us know that it's back up and running in preparation for this weekend's Edmonton Folk Music Festival.
And on that note, the Folk Fest Blog is this week's "blog of the week."
Sadly, us folk fest loving cowboys over at daveberta won't be joining the Folk Festivities this weekend. :-( Instead, we're spending our weekend moving Daveberta's International Headquarters from the awesome west-downtown Oliver area to the chic-University area of Garneau.
But rest assured, we will only be listening to Johnny Cash, Ruthie Foster, and Allison Krauss. ;-)
D :)
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
mtv ad's banned by us gov't
Thanks to the always cool and attentive daveberta readership for passing these images our way.
We're not sure if this has hit the MSM yet, but apparently, these are clips from a MTV commercial that were recently banned by the US Government.
According to the email, they only aired once before the strong arm of the US Government took them down.

We haven't heard anything else about this issue, but they make some pretty bold and strong statements.
So, either it's a hoax, or it just hasn't hit the MSM yet. Does anyone know? Thoughts? Comments?
UPDATE: Geoff over at What the Deuce? has written his take on this.
daveberta rebuked by the mighty alberta ndp

The mighty Alberta NDP Army marches on daveberta.
It seems that we may have struck a nerve with a recent post (now we know how Warren feels ;-)...
In our post titled, "raj resigning?" we mused about a rumour that we had heard from two separate individuals that ND MLA Dr. Raj Pannu may be planning to resign this fall to make way for Larry Booi to run in a by-election.
Now, we must reiterate, these are simply rumours. Rumours come and rumours go. Most of them actually die when they're left be. The editorial board at daveberta was perfectly fine in letting this post simply be that: one post.
One post, left to wither for eternity, forgotten in the archives of this great blog.
But alas, through the miracle of blog comment sections, the Communications Director of the Mighty Alberta NDP Caucus of 4, Ms. Shannon Phillips, has responded in full force to our post and the comments left by ourselves and your fellow daveberta readers.
Of course, we would never dream of letting daveberta's loyal readers miss out on such an exciting event. So, here is Ms. Phillips response in full to our post, followed by our response to Ms. Phillips.
Ms. Phillips Response:
"This is the most preposterous thing I have heard all day.
First, Raj is not resigning anytime soon.
Second, people have been lining up to contest the NDP nomination in Edm-Strathcona, for like, 5 years. There are lots of them. There are even some in the rumour mill that would rival Larry in the name rec department. Not that Larry is interested in running, at least not at this stage.
Third, it's a nice idea that the Libs could run a strong campaign, but nice ideas aren't what carries the day in politics. I suspect that when it comes to the next general election (or the one after that, one never knows, especially if Ralph retires sooner rather than later), the Strath NDP will have nominated someone of sufficient calibre that the Strath Liberals will have a hard time, as a central campaign, justifying putting money into that race (given the state of the finances, still after all these years since that disastrous MacBeth campaign), and the riding association will remain as moribund as it has been for the last few years.
Of course, the Liberals could just step up their fundraising efforts from corporate
Our response:
"Thanks for the post,
Hope you at least enjoyed the rest of our blog!
First, thanks for so suspiciously promptly refuting our post.
Second, we're sure there are those who will run for the ND nomination in Strathcona when Raj resigns. We never challenged that.
Third, "nice ideas aren't what carries the day in politics" is why the Alberta NDP will never come even close to forming Government or Official Opposition in Alberta. But, seeing as how you are seem to be so connected with information on the Alberta Liberals, we'll just have to take your word for it. ;-)
Fourth, we don't speak for the Alberta Liberals or control their fundraising. If you don't like their methods, we suggest you call their office.
D :-)"
Is the Alberta NDP hiding something?
- UPDATE: We thought "Jim's" response to Shannon was pretty fun:
"Yes, the staggering financial power of the "Alberta Views"-backed Alberta Liberal Party is really indicative of the large piles of corporate cash they're rolling in, Shannon. [/sarcasm]
Honestly, when Alberta Views magazine is your largest business backer, the case that the Alberta Liberal Party is fueled by corporate cash is weak at best. Corporations have better things to do with their money than buy the Alberta Liberal Party -- like buying the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta, for instance.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
holy schmoly! senate appointments!
Today, the gods of patronage have blessed five lucky Canadians with Senatorial tenure to 75.
The PMO released the names today of 5 new Senators.
Here's the list:
Andrée Champagne (Quebec-Tory): Former Mulroney Cabinet Minister
Dennis Dawson (Quebec-Liberal): Former Trudeau Cabinet Minister.
Hugh Segal (Ontario-Tory): Former Chief of Staff to Brian Mulroney; Former PC Leadership Candidate; and President of the Institute for Research on Public Policy.
Larry Campbell (BC-Liberal): Mayor of Vancouver; DaVinci's Inquest guy (but not as cool as Quincy).
Rod Zimmer (Manitoba-Liberal): Businessman; Liberal Bagman.
You can read their full bios here
grandinite's top 40
Aaron over at Grandinite has put together a top 40 annoying Canadians list. Check it out.
Monday, August 01, 2005
raj resigning?
I've heard two separate rumours that Edmonton Strathcona ND MLA Raj Pannu is planning to retire this fall to clear the way for Larry Booi to contest the seat in a by-election for the Dippers.
Pannu, 71, was elected as the MLA for Edmonton Strathcona in 1997 in a close 3-way race which saw Pannu defeat Liberal Mary MacDonald by less than 60 votes with Tory John Logan less than 200 votes behind. He was the Alberta NDP Leader from 2000 to 2004 and led to them to a massive 2-seat landslide in 2001!
Larry Booi, former Alberta Teacher's Association President, ran for the ND's in Edmonton Glenora during last November's provincial election. He was defeated by Liberal Bruce Miller.
Here are the results from Edmonton Strathcona since 1989:
Gordon Wright, ND- 6,696
Philip Lister, Lib- 4,237
Jack Scott, PC- 3,724
1990* By-Election
Nadene Thomas, Lib- 2,252
Eric Young, PC- 1,512
Betty Paschen, Grn- 424
Robert Alford, SC- 224
Al Zariwny, Lib- 6,542
Don Grimble, PC- 4,071
Patrick Ellis, SC- 460
Betty Paschen, Grn- 253
Ben Toane, NLP- 108
Noami Rankin, Com- 47
Mary MacDonald, Lib- 4,214
John Logan, PC- 4,096
John Forget,
Myles Kitagawa, Grn- 236
Eshwar Jagdeo, NLP- 47
John Logan, PC- 4,749
Jim Jacuta, Lib- 1,944
James Lakinn, AFP- 136
Shannon Stubbs, PC- 2,256
Steven Leard, Lib- 1,850
Adrian Cole, Grn- 287
Jeremy Burns, AA- 275
Kelly Graham, SC- 162